Saturday, March 3, 2012

Words vs. Actions

I am having a hard time with words. Words are great, fantastic really, and we need them, but so many words about how valuable women are, doesn't really appeal to me, when our actions keep women out of governance, in a meaningful way. I mean that we are not allowing women to be in the Prayer circle of the Temple, Actually giving the prayer. Asking for revelation. And since we are staunch that its only the Prophet(s) and the male priesthood holder in that position who receives revelation, any views women have are treated as not important if its about women seeking what more God can give them. And if I am wrong, can somebody do something to prove to me otherwise? Oh yeah, but I ask for the impossible it seems. To understand a different way of governing and put away all need for patriarchy.

Which is why I do this project. I am not okay with only words, I need action, and if Mother is a real being with flesh and bones in Heaven, I am certain she will get my red balloons. Its a humbling thing really.

Prayer if done well is supposed to be humble, and I've been flunking that. In fact I am reading Flunking Sainthood to make myself feel better about being completely terrible about things that church says should give blessings, and knowledge. Reading Scriptures is the same way.

I need something else in my life to focus on, and these red balloons will be my way of saying prayer, and my way of showing action. Rather then just spitting out words.

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