Saturday, March 3, 2012

By Small and Great things

So I wonder how small of a move I must make to make a great change happen. I know that there are Dominos already in play so to speak. I wonder if this project of mine will be that domino.

I have considered publishing this as a book, but I think that will come in time. And if it doesn't, it doesn't. I want this to reach as many people as possible. And it will in time.

I think sometimes I think too large, I forget that I have lots of power and influence over those around me, more then I even know. Thing is, we try to shy away from power, because we seek after the wrong kind.

I don't seek after power to control others, I seek after power to persuade others, and the rightful power that should be mind as a priestess. I do not feel I should get that power at all from a man. Maybe some things are done through the male priesthood, but right now, it feels like everything is.

*sigh* I just hope soon, that something will change that. I only do this so that she may be known to be as important as him. I don't want to repeat the same mistake all faiths have made: Choosing between A Male God, or a Female God to worship. I don't want to make that mistake that it has to be either or, and that one has to have greater power then the other. And only one God can lead, you can't have two leaders (except you do everyday, in the situation called the family, and that isn't as black and white as it seems).

Hmm, maybe this is more appropriate of a rant for my other blog. It is late, and bedtime calls. I am hoping to make it through church tomorrow. If I don't go, its because I have a king size headache, from staying up way too late.

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