Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What will our Mother say?

We often believe that our mother is going to be just so happy we are there, and just so happy that we got home safely, that she is not going to even bat an eye that we don't talk about her much, or that we make up really loving, but still a bit silly explanations of why she isn't spoken of.

I think the one thing she will say to all those who did not seek her, and did not want her name said, and did not make stretches to go against a pretty hardline patriarchy, to get to the real deep person Mother in Heaven is. Is this:

Why did you not seek me when I was calling you too?

It will be one of the questions, but if she only asked one, I believe it would be that.

Christ would say "I do not know you" at Judgement day it seems, but I am almost certain, our mother would know us, still love us, but still ask that question to hold us responsible for our actions.

She like Heavenly Father will be merciful, but will also fufill justice. And we must answer to Them for All our actions, every single one, the good and the bad, and even those areas that are often gray in our minds, and confusing. Every action we take is accounted for.

Sure we have the atonement, but the atonement can not cleanse us, of what we do not think we need to repent for, of what we do not think we even need to look for, and so those actions of not searching for Heavenly Mother, I think fall outside the atonements power, if we do not search for her.

I personally think, the Lord would love to tell us about her. I personally think he is waiting to give us more light and knowledge about her. And that she herself is waiting and willing to show us all she is. She gives us glimpses yes: Nature and Birth, but those are only two glimpses.

So I would ask now, for Heavenly Mother:

Why do you not seek her, when she is calling you too?

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