Monday, March 12, 2012

My Favorite Feminist Quote and a job

It is time to leave the question of the role of women in society up to Mother Nature a difficult lady to fool. You have only to give women the same opportunities as men, and you will soon find out what is or is not in their nature.
-Clare Boothe Luce - Congresswoman 1943-1947, Ambassador to Italy 1953-1956, Editor, Playwright, social activist, journalist, and diplomat (born Ann Clare Boothe), 1981-1983 Presidential Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board,  Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient 1983

This is my all-time favorite feminist quote, it describes my view about women, and roles, and even men and roles, in the best way. I believe that this is the goal of feminism, to let women decide for themselves what they want to be.

I think it is great if women want to stay home with the kids, but what about daddy? What if he wants to as well? Then he should, but of course his wife would expect him to have a pretty good idea for a business that he could run from the home, and maybe they could start it together? There are a lot of ways that you could be a provider for your family and stay home, and I believe that both mother's and father's are providers, I believe they both are nurturers, and I believe they both desire to protect their children, and their spouse. They just will do things differently based somewhat on nature, mostly on culture. It is both to me, but I think culture in many ways outweighs what is nature.

I also think that its great if women want to work outside the home. Some women are not made to be in the four walls of their home, listening to little children yelling all day long. I was in Nursery, and as much as there were good moments, most days I came home with a headache, and I only was with all those little ones for only two hours. I can't possibly think of what it will be like when I am a mom. These weren't even my kids. Maybe when I am a mom, they will understand that you obey mom's rules. But I feel this really great desire to be out in the world, doing some good. As well as spending quality time with my kids, teaching them about everything. And yes, telling them mom's views, and encouraging them to come to their own views about things.

For now I guess that God the Father and Mother are trying to tell me that the good I can do in the world is to be a substitute teacher. And one day, I may start my political career on a school board some where. Which is my ultimate goal.

Political Career and being a mom, can it be done? Yes, if Men can do it, Women can. I know there is a lot more pressure from society in general for women to be good mothers and that means being at home most if not all the time, and the father's are just the baby sitters, and watching football games (sigh), but I think that in this day and age, we should have a different view.

As that quote says we should leave it up to mother nature what is natural or not. What is natural for the woman, it will show, what is not, she will not do.

I can't say though, that at first, I was very okay with the idea of being a teacher, even a substitute one. But I am okay with it now. It brings in some money for my husband and me, while he is in school. I really think that it is a stepping stone to the political career I want, and its an interesting stepping stone. Not really what I was focused on. But I am grateful for it, and hope to do my best.

I am really grateful, really relieved, and quite frankly think I can cry tears of joy for the second time in my life, rather then tears of sorrow.

Its not going to be easy, but I am hoping it will be worth it. I really think of this as a stepping stone. One I am so grateful for.

Me personally, I think we all want to teach, and we all teach in different ways. The Lord places a great deal of emphasis on teaching in the scriptures. (Which personally is why I think culture matters more, not biology). I even was told in a blessing that I am a good teacher. I think he wants me to teach. And eventually I may teach at the professor level. For now, I am teaching kids, I may just substitute for Grades K-12, to get a well rounded experience. It would offer a lot of variety. Something that I think I can handle.

Hmm, wow, well didn't mean to make it this long. Just have so many thoughts on this.

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