Thursday, March 8, 2012

So I sent a red balloon today

I sent a red balloon today, will upload the picture as soon as I can. Well I sent two actually.

It was in honors of international women's day. I was planning to do this every day, but I think once a week would be good. Every thursday seems like a good idea to me. Then with the final balloon being mother's day.

This project is interesting, but I realized this project is more then Red Balloons and Pink Moccasins.

This project is also about women, valuing women in whatever they do. Seeing how that is equal with men. Seeing how it is different from men, but still wonderful.

I guess I got a lot of the message "to be feminine is to be weak" from the euphemisms of "Don't be like a girl." "Don't be a sissy." "Crying is weak", that we hear all too often in our culture.

*sigh* Well I think I'm going to cry, and try to tell myself I am strong instead of weak. I think I am going to just prove to myself, that I can be valued.

I also read this one quote that struck me "Women haven't realized that people aren't given power, they just take it". I guess in a way that is true. Nobody will give me any power then I give myself. Nobody will respect me till I respect myself. And nobody, nobody will understand my feelings, until I understand them myself.

And Every woman everywhere, anytime you hear your son, or husband, or somebody say "Girls aren't good in that" ask "Why not?" Tell them a story of a lady you know that excels in that. Tell your sons, girls can do that thing you think they can't, they are probably going to do it differently. And if they do it like the boys, that is okay. It is okay either way.

*sigh* and I'm so tired right now. Good night.

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