Sunday, March 4, 2012

Preparing for the project

Considering my previous post on Church. And how I sometimes feel I need a break (and herald body problems to make that break possible, sometimes I think God does listen to my prayers). I am thinking about how to prepare for the project.

I could fast, but my hypoglycemia won't let me. I could read the scriptures of women, and may slowly start doing that. It just will take a while to not cringe. I got in this little habit of hating it for its very many flaws. And the fact that it was written by men, really hit a soft spot for me.

But I am trying, very slowly, to overcome it. I think in many ways the Lord understand that.

So for this project I really think the best way to prepare for this project is to simply take moments to be calm. I am certain that Heavenly Mother is more calm then I am. I think she is assertive, and firm, and knows who she is and what she wants. And I must take a moment to be calm, and assertive and know what I want, and who I am. That is the best way to prepare for the project.

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