Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Update: Got an apology. Feeling a little bit better, but still need sometime to fully forgive.

Very very very bad day. Extremely bad day. Tired of people who are supposedly trying to offer advice, telling me to let things go!

I think that just made me get an ulcer. Yeah I've been stressed. And Sure I've been thinking this over and over again. Today I just wanted to take a day to review some of forums I belonged to. But no I get a comment, that had no business being said in a public way. This is why there is private messaging on message boards because somethings you say privately.

So frustrating. I am hoping that the issue gets resolved, and that I can find it in myself, or at least ask God to feel his and her love for this child of theirs. For now though:

So pissed off and cynical, and angry.

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