Monday, March 5, 2012

Launch Date and personal revelation

Just a quick update to state that my Launch date for this project will be March 8th, international Woman's day.

For those who visit my blog. Please note, I have my ups and downs like anybody else. I am human. I have emotion. I try not to blame anybody for our lack of knowledge. But I see that we are all collectively responsible for that lack, if what we say is really true, about personal revelation and even continual revelation then why is this such a common occurrence in the church?:

I have received some personal revelation I would like to share with you bishop.
Okay so what is this personal revelation?
Well I received an answer that patriarchy isn't good for the Church.
The Prophets have said Patriarchy is set forth by God, pray about it again
But Bishop, I already prayed and fasted for weeks on this.
Sister you should go an pray about it again. I am sure you will receive the correct answer. It must have just been your thoughts getting in the will of God.

Or so I've heard. My experience has been only to say I received Revelation. And leave the details out.

Revelation is only deemed valuable if it flows with the Leaders of the Church's thoughts and opinions.

Its enough to give a girl a headache. Now I have never truly stated any of my revelations. Only a dream. I state one to you now, because I am not afraid to be mocked.

The one I remember right now is that, I was sitting in my room. Veiling my face, but it kept falling back, I didn't know why. It felt like it was being pulled. Then suddenly I heard a voice very clearly say to me. "I did not make my daughters to veil their faces". It was a strong message that we are supposed to be visible. And yet, my reality is different. In the Temple women do veil their faces. And God specifically told me that we are not made to veil our faces. I can understand a head covering, sure. But the face veil? Makes me feel second class. It really honestly truly does, no matter how many ways I try to make peace with it. I find it useless. So it probably is useless as a symbol to me and God quite possibly was trying to tell me that.

I feel a warmth surging through my body I can only recognize to be the spirit of God. There is no other name for it. I haven't even launched this project, and the spiritual experiences are flowing in.

This blog is therapeutic for me.

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